

University of Portsmouth, London Apply Now



The University of Portsmouth London provides career-focused courses that emphasize inclusive study, practical learning, and strong industry connections. Located in a purpose-built campus at Walthamstow Central in the heart of Waltham Forest, it features state-of-the-art learning technology, a commitment to sustainability, and an enhanced student experience. The convenient location ensures easy access from various parts of London. At Portsmouth London, students can pursue undergraduate degrees in business and management, marketing, computer science, and economics. Additionally, they offer master's programs in digital marketing, construction management, engineering management, and information systems.

The University of Portsmouth London adopts a flexible learning approach, allowing students to integrate their studies into their lives seamlessly. The block teaching model enables students to focus on one module at a time, with assessments conducted before moving on to the next module. This method ensures focused learning on each subject and provides regular, tangible feedback on progress throughout the year.






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